Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles, NYC, and Miami.

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that permanently eliminates fat from the body. Board-certified dermatologist and body sculpting expert Dr. Jason Emer sees many patients who are frustrated with stubborn fat that won’t budge no matter what diet they follow or how much they exercise. Dr. Emer offers a range of liposuction options at his Beverly Hills medical practice to best address each patient’s unique problem areas and treatment goals.


Liposuction is a trusted fat removal method that uses suction to extract unwanted fat from the body. When excess fat is eliminated from the body, the patient benefits from slimmer contours in the treated area. Dr. Emer can perform liposuction to remove fat in the following areas:

Face and neck | Upper arms | Chest | Back | Hips | Thighs | Buttocks | Calves | Ankles



At his state-of-the-art West Hollywood medical practice, Dr. Emer offers several fat reduction treatments, including liposuction. He can determine the best fat removal approach for you after assessing your problem areas and learning about your medical history.

Ideal liposuction candidates are active individuals who have tried dieting and exercising to eliminate excess fat but have not been able to achieve their desired contours. For these patients, permanently removing those stubborn, lingering fat deposits can reveal the toned, sculpted contours they have worked so hard to create.

Liposuction is not a weight-loss solution. If you are considerably overweight, Dr. Emer can recommend weight loss strategies and personal trainers to help you begin your weight loss journey. Once you have reached a healthy, stable weight, liposuction can be performed to put the finishing touches on your new shape.



Dr. Emer customizes every liposuction procedure based on the patient’s cosmetic concerns and desired outcome. He is experienced in various types of liposuction, so he is able to accommodate a wide range of fat removal and body sculpting needs. Dr. Emer performs tumescent lipo, laser lipo, water-assisted lipo, VASER lipo, and an advanced form of fat removal and body sculpting called HD lipo.

The tumescent liposuction method begins with an injection of tumescent fluid. Tumescent fluid is a specially formulated mixture containing saline, pain medication, epinephrine, and sodium bicarbonate. The tumescent fluid makes it easier to extract fat cells, reduces the risk of bleeding, and can help reduce post-procedure discomfort.

Laser liposuction with SmartLipo is one alternative to tumescent liposuction. With SmartLipo, a small laser is inserted under the skin via a tiny incision. The laser heat liquefies the fat. A thin, small tube is then inserted, and suction is used to draw the excess fat through the tube and out of the body.

The laser heat used during SmartLipo provides the added benefit of boosting collagen production in the treatment area. Increased collagen production can improve skin texture and tone.

The Body Jet fat removal system uses an adjustable stream of water to loosen fat cells for removal. With this system, Dr. Emer can precisely control the amount of water that is sent into the tissue, making Body Jet a good option for small treatment areas where injecting large amounts of fluid could cause unnecessary bruising or swelling.

Dr. Emer often relies on the Body Jet fat removal system when harvesting fat for fat transfer procedures. The Body Jet water stream can break up fat pockets without damaging the fat cells. Harvesting undamaged fat cells is key for optimal fat transfer results.

VASER liposuction is an advanced liposuction method that uses ultrasound technology to take your results beyond what is possible with other liposuction methods. VASER refers to the use of vibration amplification and sound energy. VASER lipo was designed to give the technician a better method for sculpting the silhouette as it offers improved skin retraction and can get rid of fat deposits around complex muscle groups for more shaping.

When you choose this modern liposuction technique, the VASER ultrasound device is applied to the targeted area before liposuction. As the ultrasound device passes over your trouble spots, it separates fat cells from the surrounding tissues.

This ultrasound-assisted separation process liquefies the fat cells which makes the fat removal process easier on the body. VASER allows for a gentler extraction process by preventing damage to the surrounding tissue as the liquefied fat is drawn out.

VASER is often ideal for patients who want to eliminate minor to moderate fat deposits. If you have already lost weight and need a little help to get your desired shape, this procedure could be the right choice for you.

Hi-Definition (HD) liposuction is an advanced and effective body sculpting procedure. Dr. Emer performs HD lipo to remove fat with precision and define underlying muscles.

Most HD lipo patients are people who have worked out and watched their diets for years, yet still have been unable to achieve the body they want. Dr. Emer’s HD lipo is often an ideal treatment for active, athletic patients who want to go beyond fat removal to sculpt a slim waist, a V-shaped torso, six pack abs, and incredible definition throughout the body.

Dr. Emer uses Body Jet lipo and VASER lipo to deliver the best results for his HD lipo patients in Beverly Hills. Both Body Jet and VASER allow for highly targeted fat removal, which is crucial for HD lipo patients who want to eliminate small, stubborn fat pockets.

Both systems also allow intact fat cells to be harvested for fat transfer treatments. Fat transfer, or fat grafting, is often included in HD lipo procedures to further shape your preferred body contours.


Traditional liposuction has been around for a few decades now. The method certainly works, but there are key differences between traditional lipo and HD lipo.


Traditional lipo does not rely on energy-based devices or injected fluids to loosen the targeted fat prior to removal. Instead, the fat is dislodged via manual manipulation of a cannula which is inserted via discreet incisions. This technique is more aggressive than alternative lipo methods and is more likely to cause injury to the skin and surrounding tissues.

Traditional lipo is intended for removing larger amounts of excess fat than other lipo methods. Bulk removal of fat with traditional lipo can help to create slimmer body contours.

However, traditional lipo does not provide a skin tightening effect. Patients may have significant excess, loose skin after bulk fat removal. Candidates for this type of lipo must have good skin elasticity to achieve optimal improvements. Alternatively, surgical skin removal may be needed to tighten the skin around your new contours.


Hi-Definition liposuction far surpasses the traditional form of liposuction for patients who want to achieve the ultimate, defined, chiseled body. HD lipo involves a specialized body sculpting technique that can target the superficial layers of fat both over the muscles and just under the skin.

HD lipo requires precision and a high level of skill. Dr. Emer’s expert knowledge of human anatomy along with his innate artistic sense allows him to sculpt slim contours, natural-looking musculature, and stunning definition with HD lipo.

While traditional lipo can only address excess fat, Hi-Definition liposuction can help with various physique goals. Minimally invasive skin tightening procedures like Renuvion or InMode BodyTite/FaceTite can immediately follow HD fat removal to ensure firm, taut skin in the treated area.

Additionally, since Dr. Emer uses advanced fat removal systems like Body Jet and VASER for HD lipo, this treatment can be combined with fat transfer procedures. With Body Jet and VASER, Dr. Emer is able to harvest the patient’s extracted fat to create fat injections. Fat injections can augment and reshape body contours and enhance muscle definition.


Dr. Emer performs liposuction at his state-of-the-art West Hollywood medical practice. The duration of your procedure will depend on the extent of your treatment and the type of liposuction performed.

You will be given local or general anesthesia at the start of your procedure. This will keep you comfortable throughout the treatment.

Next, discreet incisions will be made, so Dr. Emer can access the fatty tissue. Depending on the best approach for you, Dr. Emer will deliver laser heat, ultrasound energy, or fluid to the tissue to break up fat cells.

Once the fat cells are loose, a cannula is inserted via the incisions. Suction is used to extract the fat cells from the body.


Liposuction involves minimal downtime. Patients with sedentary jobs can often return to work within a few days of treatment. Vigorous, intense activity should be avoided for two weeks or as directed by Dr. Emer.

Swelling and bruising are normal after a liposuction procedure. Compression garments, rest, and medications can help ease discomfort and support the healing process.

Dr. Emer is as meticulous about your recovery as he is about planning and performing your procedure. He will recommend specific aftercare treatments to promote the most aesthetic liposuction results possible. To accelerate healing and further enhance your liposuction results, Dr. Emer may advise the following aftercare therapies:

  • Lymphatic massage
  • IV therapy
  • Shockwave/vibration therapy


Most patients notice initial results after about two weeks when swelling begins to subside. You will see ongoing improvements as the healing process progresses over the next several weeks. Final results are typically visible after a few months once the treated area has completely healed.

You can maintain your liposuction results by sticking to a healthy diet and exercising regularly. It is important to note that while the extracted fat can never return, any remaining fat cells will increase in size if you gain weight.



Dr. Emer provides transformative results by creating patient-tailored treatment protocols that combine cosmetic procedures. Every aspect of your fat removal treatment will be designed to work best with your anatomy to achieve your unique aesthetic goals. From selecting the optimal liposuction method and identifying complementary therapies to enhance your results, Dr. Emer provides the best liposuction in Los Angeles.


Your liposuction procedure will be designed to target your specific problem areas. The cost of liposuction varies based on the type of liposuction, size of the treatment area, and whether you combine fat removal with additional body contouring procedures. Complete pricing information will be provided when Dr. Emer reviews your customized treatment plan with you.



If you’re carrying unwanted fat around despite your best efforts to be active and eat a clean diet, it’s time to contact our West Hollywood office to schedule a liposuction consultation with Dr. Emer. With his skill and body sculpting expertise, Dr. Emer can provide the natural-looking enhancements you deserve.