You’ve done your best to get a sculpted, shapely body, but you still aren’t seeing the results you want. If that describes your situation, you might be a good candidate for Hi-Definition Liposuction with Dr. Emer, a talented board-certified dermatologist specializing in surgical dermatology.
What is Hi-Definition Liposuction?
Hi-Definition Liposuction is also referred to as Hi-Definition Liposculpture. It allows our surgeon to create a perfectly sculpted look. Do you dream of having a toned, muscular stomach? Are you trying to achieve a better-looking butt? Would you like firm, toned or muscular-looking arms? Hi-Definition Liposuction can make all of that possible, and it can do it with less downtime than traditional liposuction.
What Areas Can Hi-Definition Liposuction Target?
During this procedure, the following areas can be sculpted:
- Abdomen
- Buttocks
- Waist
- Arms
- Other areas
What Does the Procedure Involve?
This is a custom-tailored procedure; as such, the details of the surgery vary based on the wants and needs of each patient. It all begins with a consultation, during which Dr. Emer can determine whether or not the procedure is right for you. You can also discuss the possibility of combining the procedure with other techniques for optimal results.
As long as you are in good overall health and have the desire to make dramatic changes to how your body looks, you could be a good candidate for Hi-Definition Liposuction. This procedure may be a great choice if you:
- Have worked hard to achieve a shapely, sculpted body but haven’t reached your goals yet.
- Want a procedure that combines body contouring and liposculpture.
- Need a procedure that offers an accelerated recovery process.
- Want results that are dramatic and natural-looking.
If you’re interested in learning more about what Hi-Definition Liposuction can do for you, simply book a consultation at the office of Jason Emer, MD. To see how Dr. Emer performs Hi-Definition Liposuction, click here. We also have locations in West Hollywood, CA, Miami, FL, New York, NY, and Queens, NY. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at any of our offices!
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