You’ve tried diets and exercising. You may have even lost some weight. However, the loss of weight still has left your body with excess fat cells and other issues. If you are stuck with stubborn areas that don’t seem to decrease no matter what diet you eat or how much you exercise, you may feel that you’re never going to have the body you want. That’s not true. Traditionally, the liposuction procedure has been one of the most successful methods for body contouring ever created. Patients can receive practically immediate results and come out of the experience looking amazing. Dr. Emer, however, has taken body contouring to a whole new level.
Hi-Def Liposuction
Dr. Emer likes to use a procedure called Hi-Def Liposuction. This isn’t traditional liposuction. While the emphasis is still placed on the removal of fat, Dr. Emer takes the surgery a step further using the Hi-Def version. While the fat cells are removed from the body, he also utilizes other body contouring devices and techniques like radiofrequency and laser energy to contour the body until you’re left with the figure you’ve always desired.
To see how Dr. Emer performs the procedure, feel free to click here. During the procedure, Dr. Emer uses a Body-Jet fat removal system. This system essentially removes fat cells from the connective tissue and keeps that tissue away from the muscles. This helps keep down the amount of swelling and can lead to a faster recovery time. Dr. Emer also enjoys using water-assisted liposuction because it allows him to control just how much fluid is used at a given amount of time for maximum effects. For women who suffer from Lipedema, his procedure especially helps because it is a gentler procedure that keeps their lymphatic vessels protected.
For maximum body contouring and other benefits, Dr. Emer also utilizes two different procedures during the liposuction. SmartLipo is a system that uses laser energy to deliver heat to the fat cells. This can disrupt them and help to sculpt the body in the process. The second procedure is known as VASERlipo. This is an ultrasound-based technique that actually gets below the surface in order to disrupt the fat cells.
Achieve Your Dream Body
Body contouring is an excellent method to shape your body if you can’t seem to get rid of fat and loose skin no matter what you do. Dr. Emer offers a revolutionized version of liposuction. The innovative technology and techniques that he utilizes during his procedures are what has helped make so many patients love his work. If you want to tone your body, book an appointment at the office of Dr. Jason Emer in West Hollywood, CA. Our renowned non-surgical body contouring specialist would be more than happy to help. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!
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